
2021 June Power2Drive Europe Munich, Germany Ineternational Exhibition For Charging Infrastructure and E-MOBILITY

Power2Drive Europe Munich, Germany Ineternational Exhibition For Charging Infrastructure and E-MOBILITY

The exhibition Power2Drive showcases charging solutions and technologies for electric vehicles and reflects the interaction between electric vehicles and a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy supply. It is an industry hotspot for suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and start-ups in the emerging field of electric mobility and transportation. Our goal is to help companies to develop and distribute technologies and business in the field of traction batteries, charging infrastructure and electric vehicles and to push forward a sustainable future mobility.

Charging the future of mobility!


Companies and project owners were once again rewarded for their pioneering solutions with the most important innovation prize in the energy industry, The smarter E AWARD. The winners in the two categories Outstanding Projects and Smart Renewable Energy were honored in a live-streamed virtual AWARD Ceremony with an international audience on June 30, 2020.

The award in the category Outstanding Projects was presented to:

Phaesun GmbH
Solar Chernobyl LLC
SunPower Corporation

The award in the category Smart Renewable Energy was presented to:

Fronius International GmbH
Next Kraftwerke GmbH
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Click here to see the winners.

Watch the recording of the ceremony and the celebration of the winners.

Meet the AWARD Winners and their innovations also in a special webinar series.
Are you looking for customers and business partners at home and abroad and interested in innovative technologies and business models of the charging infrastructure and e-mobility industry? In our exhibitor list you will find suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers and service providers from all over the world, from start-ups to international market leaders, with products and solutions for electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and charging stations, traction batteries and solar carports.

Post time: Jul-26-2020